Timmyb's Tech Blog

Backing up MySQL with bash and cron

Summary Backing up your MySQL database regularly is important to protect against data loss. I use this Bash script to automate the backup process and make it easier to keep my database backed up r...

Syncing multiple Pi-Holes

Summary Pi-Hole is a popular open-source network-level advertisement and internet tracker blocking application. It is designed to run on a single device, such as a Raspberry Pi, but many users may...

Backing up PostgreSQL with bash and cron

Summary Backing up your PostgreSQL database is an important task that should be performed regularly to protect against data loss. One way to automate this process is by using a Bash script and cro...

How to get started with Go (tested on macOS, Ubuntu 20.04, WSL Ubuntu 22.04)

Introduction I wanted to try out Go and the first step was to install it. Unlike other languages I’ve used, say python for example, I had an extremely hard time installing it. Installing Go itself...

Installing ruby-3.0.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 using rbenv

TL;DR: If you are in a hurry then refer to the Commands section below. Summary This blog was created using jekyll a static site generator. I won’t go into any more details than that for now, but ...

How I use Glances to monitor my servers

UPDATE 10/1/2022: I found a better solution to running Glances persistently using a systemd unit file instead of nohup. I created new ansible automation to take advantage of this method. I will upd...

How I created my first blog site on Wordpress?

UPDATE: I now use Jekyll for my blog instead of WordPress. This new blog is deployed using Netlify rather than being self-hosted in my homelab. I’m leaving this article as is since it still has alo...