Home About


Hi there! I’m the Tim behind Timmyb’s Tech Blog. Timmyb was a childhood nickname that I’ve hung on to even as I enter my 30’s . I’m currently on the Customer Success Engineering Team of a large home security company and I have nearly a decade of experience in the IT field. When I’m not working, I enjoy messing around with all things tech, pc gaming, sports, and spending time with my Wife, dog (Scrabble), and two cats (Ted and Lou).

I recently set up a homelab with Proxmox and have been having a ton of fun with it. As I’ve tackled new tools and technologies, I’ve often turned to blogs for advice when troubleshooting a problem – that and Stackoverflow of course! I thought it might be worth creating my own blog so I can share my knowledge and experience in hopes it may help people as well. If not, then they will at least be funny to look back on I’m sure!

To be honest though, I’ve never thought of myself as a “writer” or “blogger” so time will tell how much content I actually put here but as Walt Disney once said:

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”